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Top 4 Mistakes while doing Social Media Marketing (SMM)

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Using social media as one of the channels to acquire the clients is a norm for all business owners or corporations—even Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook itself.

Now, most of us know how SMM important is, but some are still not getting the results as they expected. What can go wrong on Social Media? We have summarised the reasons for failure in this blog. Please keep reading and see whether you are doing one of them (we hope you are not doing all of them).

Number 1: The expectation is too high/seeking for an overnight result

The top killing reason is they have a wrong expectation from their effort. We come across some clients with a "fantastic" question which is:

Could we get 10000 followers in a week of time? We are running out of sales!

Our answer is definitely is a big "NO!". If someone told you a "yes", well, go ahead, and you will finally find out he/she doesn't know how Social Media Marketing really work.

SMM highly demands a long term strategy to engage with your potential clients through your branding story, amazing post content, valuable insights etc. All these contents can build up a stranger's trust and turn them into your customer. However, it requires a longer time and huge effort. This is also one of the reasons that make most of the beginners to give up too earlier.

Now, be relaxed and give a longer duration (ideally minimum 1 month, the best is 3 months) for it to work out.

Number 2: No plan or objective for each post

Have you heard about a term called "Campaign"? If yes, that is good and you are getting a lower chance to make this second mistake. If no, here you go on how this word "Campaign" will change your future social media marketing plan.

The campaign is like a business plan that consists of multiple versions of your content and posts, but all of them will have the same and only one specific objective.

Here is the example of how YeWebs applied the concept of the campaign in social media marketing:

The concept of marketing campaign-yewebs.jpeg

Campaign: Promote the weight losing class to who wants to lose 5 pounds in a month through a blog post

From this example, you can know the following information clearly:

  • Objective: to get people to sign up for the course

  • Targeted audience: Who wants to lose weight in a month

  • Engagement method: Read a blog post with the sign-up form

So under this campaign, the content you can create are:

  • A text post content with a direct link to this blog post

  • A picture post with one of the main persuasion points from the blog post

  • A picture post with the title "Lose 5 pounds in 30 days"

  • A question post and let the audience to comment below the post, then follow by sending the link directly to their inbox

Finally, all these contents must end with the CTA which direct them to your blog post not somewhere else.

Got it? If you want to get some ideas on how to set up a campaign, drop us a message here or comment on this blog. We will provide some ideas for it at no cost.

Number 3: Wrong content for the wrong people

No one love to read the post which is irrelevant to their life or nonsense message from their news feed. So you need to study and think deep into their heart, what are the tone you should use when writing the title of the post, or any issues happened recently which trigger their demand?

Remember, you should only target the specific group of people not everyone in the world.

If you are selling to everyone, then you are selling to no one.

Number 4: You have forgotten the social media is for socialising

When you create the content don't forget to involve the factor of the human touch. Remember, the basic reason why we join these social media channels is that we want to share/enjoy its contents that can be shared out with the one we care and socialise with it.

No one wants to bump into the ad and they follow your page or profile definitely not because they like your ad.

What you can do from here is to "design" your ad with something they can discuss about or able to trigger their emotion. Here are a few tactics you can try to use:

  • use a real-life customer's story

  • motivational quote

  • the biggest pain point that customer are facing

  • what is the situation could be after they engaged with your services

  • social responsibility

  • testimonials (never use this at the beginning phrase)

Pro tip 01: When someone leaves a comment or feedback on your post, remember to respond to it within a few hours or not more than 1 day.

Pro tip 02: Tag them up while reply. This action will let them know this is a real people who respond to their feedback instead of a robot.


Alright, these are the top 4 social media mistakes to avoid in your social media management plan. If you are stuck and need someone to give you some ideas, drop us a message here and you will get a 1-hour free discussion with us.

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